Volunteer Leadership
Trail Life troops are volunteer-led, so it is vital for troop dads to fill leadership roles within the troop. In the organization chart below, the red boxes are currently unfilled positions.
Here are a list of the Positions we need and a description of the duties.
Chaplin - This will be a 1 year commitment. The Chaplin will need to learn about the Worthy Life award to be able to promote and encourage this award. The Chaplin will also be apart of the COR team and will need to attend those meetings. The COR team meets 3 times a year. (Usually over lunch or dinner). The Chaplin will look for ways to help our troop as it grows.
Web Master - This will be a 1 year commitment. The Web master will update the website. As Content is provided or changes needed. The troop leaders will decide in the planning sessions what updates might be needed to forms, pictures, calendar events, etc.
Quarter Master - This is a 1 year commitment. The quarter master will review our quarter master hut and help plan how to organize it for storage and tracking what goes in and out.
Treasurer - This is a 1 year commitment - The Treasurer will track the troops money, noting what comes in and how we spent it. The Treasurer will give a report to the COR team 3 times are year. The Treasurer is a member of the COR team.
Secretary - This will be a 1 year commitment. The secretary will need to attend the Planning meetings. This can be done either in person or remote. We try to have a planning meeting once a month. While at the meetings the secretary will take the minutes and send to those in attendance.